
ali ibn isa meaning in English

ali ibn isa al-asturlabi


  1. At court, Mu'nis was an early and staunch opponent of Ibn al-Furat, and an ally of the latter's main rival, Ali ibn Isa al-Jarrah and his faction.
    Au sein de la cour, Mou'nis est très tôt un opposant résolu d'Ibn al-Furat et un allié de son rival, Ali ibn Isa al-Jarrah.
  2. In 928, following the dismissal of his favourite, Ali ibn Isa, from the vizierate, Mu'nis launched a coup and deposed al-Muqtadir and installed his half-brother al-Qahir in his place, but reneged after a few days.
    En 928, après la déposition de Ali ibn Isa, le favori de Mou'nis au poste de vizir, Mou'nis déclenche un coup d'état et dépose Al-Muqtadir qu'il remplace par son demi-frère Al-Qahir avant de revenir sur sa décision.

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